District 61 serves Bluffton, Hilton and Okatie (southern Beaufort County).
Active Committees
Archives Committee
Mission Statement:
“Pursuant to A.A.’s primary purpose of maintaining our sobriety and helping other alcoholics to achieve recovery, the Archives of Alcoholics Anonymous adopts the following mission statement: To receive, classify and index all relevant material, including but not limited to, administrative files and records, correspondence, and literary and artifactual works considered to have historical import to Alcoholics Anonymous. To hold and preserve such material, making access possible, as determined by the present archivist in consultation with the Archives committee, to members of Alcoholics Anonymous, and those of the public who may have valid need to review said material, such access to be provided only during business hours and with a mindful view toward the anonymity of our members.”
If you have general interest in local archive history or are interested in participating in service work pertaining to local AA archive history, please contact: Paul Meehan at Paul_Meehan@Comcast.net or call (815) 262-3679
If you want to send our district group archives information and history to our Area 62 (SC) archives, please send it to the address below. All district archives are maintained at the Area archive office.
Area 62 of Alcoholics Anonymous maintains South Carolina historical information at 3618 Ashley Phosphate Road, Suite 1, North Charleston, SC 29418.
Our Area 62 Archive link is: http://www.area62.org/committees/
Link to GSO Archives: https://www.aa.org/gso-archives
Corrections Facilities Committee (CFC)
The Corrections Facilities Committee (CFC) supports and coordinated the work of A.A. Members and Groups interested in carrying the A.A. message of recovery to alcoholics in prisons, detention centers, jails and other corrections facilities in Beaufort, Bluffton, Hampton, Ridgeland and Walterboro, South Carolina, and the general vicinity. The CFC sets up, coordinates and supports a network of A.A. members to help inmates smooth the way (bridge the gap) from corrections facilities to the larger A.A. community through pre-release contacts; and raises the awareness of the need for A.A. twelfth-step work in corrections facilities among the fellowship in our geographic area in Area 62.
Service opportunities are available for A.A. members who are willing to apply, attend training, adhere to regulations of the facility, and carry the message with A.A.’s Singleness of Purpose into assigned facility (with A.A. facility “sponsor” in attendance). In addition the CFC has service positions on our committee.
For more information, application or to get involved, please contact the CFC at LowCountryAACorrections@gmail.com or Gene L. at (410) 241-2038.
Literature Committee
Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee (PI/CPC)
The Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee in District 61 carries AA’s message of recovery to the general public at the local level. Examples of services provided include giving talks at schools to students and/or parents, at churches when addressing the congregation and at businesses when addressing the general employee population. We can provide a booth or table at community health fairs, place A.A. literature in public locations, such as libraries, Chambers of Commerce, schools, churches, etc. We can provide AA public service announcements (PSA) tapes and scripts to local TV and radio stations and even give anonymous talks on radio, TV, and social media.
There is also a specialized service within the committee that focuses specifically on carrying AA’s message to local professionals. Examples of this capacity include giving talks at professional seminars, or making presentations to the management staff at local businesses, or the staff and administration of local schools. The committee is able to give talks at health fairs and for seminars conducted for professionals, such as, doctors, nurses, clergy, emergency services, law enforcement, judges, lawyers, court officials, etc.
For more information, email picpc.district61@gmail.com
Treatment Committee
The purpose of the Treatment Committee is to provide a 12th Step Service for alcoholics in outpatient, inpatient, and sober homes by bringing AA meetings into these facilities. The Committee will provide all the literature and personnel required for a “Bridging that Gap” service for those transitioning from those facilities to an AA Home Group.
For more information, email Treatment.district61@gmail.com