The objective of the District 60 General Service Committee is to serve the Alcoholics Anonymous Groups in Jasper, Hampton, and Colleton Counties, Beaufort County north of the Broad River and the St. George Group in Dorchester County in their primary purpose of carrying the AA message of recovery to suffering alcoholics. The District 60 Committee accomplishes this objective by:
- Facilitating unity and communication between the AA Groups in District 60.
- Channeling information to and from the South Carolina General Service Assembly, as well as to and from the General Service Office of AA World Services.
- Cooperating with the local Intergroup, if any, to assure that printed meeting schedules, answering services, and Internet presence supply newcomers and visitors with correct information to find a meeting.
- Providing information to the public to create awareness and encourage better understanding of the Alcoholics Anonymous program of recovery.
Active Committees for District 60
Accessibilities, Chair: Joey H.
Archives, Chair: Richard I.
Bridging the Gap, Chair: pending
Corrections, Chair: Gene L.
Public Information/Cooperation with Professional Community, Chair: Serge K.
Website, Chair: Charles L.
For more information, please contact the District 60 Secretary at dist60secretary@gmail.com.